Halo Wars Best Leader

Posted : admin On 19.10.2019
  1. Halo Wars 1 Best Leader
  2. Halo Wars 2 Leader Abilities

Halo Wars Strategy - Rush StrategyThis Halo Wars strategy is used when the player tries to build an army, large in number but without upgrades, as quickly as possible. Once you have such an army, you Rush it over to the opponent base and attack with a strategy, not at random. You should focus your Halo Wars strategy on: First, killing your opponent’s army; Second, destroying his Turrets and or Shield Generator; Third, demolishing his vital buildings (Reactor, Temple, Barracks, etc.); and Finally, finishing him off by blowing up his main base. The Rush Halo Wars strategy will very effective for any Covenant player, and can also be effective for a UNSC player if executed properly. Be Cautious; if your Rush strategy fails, it will be very difficult to recover and eventually win the Halo Wars match.

  1. Forge is a powerful leader capable of amassing very large numbers of tanks with a good economy. Anders is weird however because she takes the most skill to use. Making gauss hogs with her is easy and powerful. She can have 3 gauss fun factories up really quickly and is the best at spamming gauss.
  2. It’s no secret that leaders play a very important role in Halo Wars 2 ‘s epic battles. Leaders are diverse, well balanced and varied in approach, structure and resources, so while it’s easy to familiarise and get used to a specific leader fairly quickly, knowing which one to use and why is integral to your success.

Halo Wars 1 Best Leader

Also, a Rush Halo Wars strategy will most likely fail against a Turtle strategy, but can be devastating to a Boom strategy.USER SUBMITTED: Jackal/Hunter RushThis strategy is great against most UNSC players, but is vulnerable to any strategy that focuses on aircraft, because Jackals and Hunters suck against aircraft. So make sure to scout your enemy to avoid an aircraft ambush.

Halo Wars 2 Leader Abilities

Start by building Warehouses at all but 2 sites. Send your ghost to gather supplies and scout your enemy. If you're afraid of an enemy Rush, then build Turrets; otherwise, buid a Temple. Next, upgrade your Warehouses and build a Hall. Then start producing Jackals and Hunters (you should build about twice as many Jackals as Hunters). Once you have about 8 Jackals and 4 Hunters, send your Leader to the enemy base to teleport your army. Don't forget to set your Global Rally Point to the teleporter, and keep producing infantry.

When you attack, make sure to use your Jackals to kill infantry, Hunters to kill vehicles, and your leader for initial support then to destroy key buildings.SUBMITTED BY: HAIBeatUArbiter Rush Strategy:To execute this Halo Wars strategy, your starting build order should be Temple, Warehouse, Warehouse, upgrade Arbiter, Warehouse, upgrade Arbiter, build Suicide Grunts, and Warehouse. Once you have upgraded the Arbiter and have enough Suicide Grunts, a good Halo Wars Strategy will require you to quickly Rush your opponent before he can build adequate defenses. A good Halo Wars strategy will take advantage of the Arbiter’s special Power to kill opponent units. A good Halo Wars Strategy will require you to ALWAYS teleport the Arbiter back to your base before he is killed. The goal of this Halo Wars strategy is to inflict an early blow to your opponent, so that he can never fully recover.USER SUBMITTED: Arbiter RushBuild Order = Warehouse, Temple, Warehouse, Hall, Warehouse. Take your Ghost to their base and start collecting supplies as well as looking to see what they are building. By this time your Arbiter should be coming out of your base and you will use him to quickly gather the supplies around your base.

Now look your opponents build order. Are they Anders with reactors and supplies? Forge with a vehicle depot?

Just build the counter of what your oppenent builds. So when you see the hogs or grizz trying to be built, go back to your base and start training Hunters. If they have an elephant or barracks built go for the Jackles.

You will be able to overwhelm him in no time. One last thing. Send your Arbiter to their base and start attacking it while leaving your counter units at your base. Most players will think about sending all their units to your base to take it out before you can take out theirs, only to run into your counter units. Then once they are dead send them through the tele and destroy their base. Scout, Adapt, Change.SUBMITTED BY: kY dAFOBrute Chieftain Rush Strategy:To execute this Halo Wars strategy, your starting build order should be Temple, Warehouse, Warehouse, upgrade Brute Chieftain, Warehouse, upgrade Brute Chieftain, build Brutes, and Warehouse.

Once you have upgraded the Brute Chieftain and have enough Brutes, a good Halo Wars Strategy will require you to quickly Rush your opponent before he can build adequate defenses. A good Halo Wars strategy will take advantage of the Brute Chieftain’s special Power to kill opponent units. A good Halo Wars strategy will require you to ALWAYS teleport the Brute Chieftain back to your base before he is killed.

The goal of this Halo Wars strategy is to inflict an early blow to your opponent, so that he can never fully recover.USER SUBMITTED: Brute RushImmediately build a Temple and send your Chopper to gather supplies. Then build 3 Warehouses. As soon as your Leader is ready, send him and the Chopper to your opponent’s base. First kill his units, and then destroy his key buildings.

Halo Wars 2 Guide to help you learn everything you need to know about the game’s combat, game modes, and different strategies to win. There is a lot to take in when it comes to Halo Wars 2.

Meanwhile, set your global rally point to your teleporter, and keep producing Brutes. This strategy works best against a player that spends too much money on upgrades, instead of units. However, this strategy is weak against a good Turtle, so make sure that you aren't sending your Leader into an ambush.SUBMITTED BY: HouDannY213Prophet of Regret Rush Strategy:To execute this Halo Wars strategy, your starting build order should be Temple, Warehouse, Warehouse, upgrade Prophet of Regret, Warehouse, upgrade Prophet of Regret, build Elite Honor Guards, and Warehouse. Once you have upgraded the Prophet of Regret and have enough Elite Honor Guards, a good Halo Wars Strategy will require you to quickly Rush your opponent before he can build adequate defenses.

A good Halo Wars strategy will take advantage of the Prophet of Regret’s special Power to kill opponent units and buildings. A good Halo Wars strategy will require you to ALWAYS teleport the Prophet of Regret back to your base before he is killed. The goal of this Halo Wars strategy is to inflict an early blow to your opponent, so that he can never fully recover.Captain Cutter Elephant Rush Strategy:To execute this Halo Wars strategy, your starting build order should be Elephant, Supply Pad, Supply Pad, Supply Pad, Supply Pad. While you are building the Supply Pads, a good Halo Wars strategy will require you to move the Elephant to a discrete location, where you can produce infantry unharmed. Once you have produced enough infantry, a good Halo Wars Strategy will require you to quickly Rush your opponent before he can build adequate defenses. A good Halo Wars strategy will take advantage of the Marine’s “grenade” ability to destroy Turrets and the Flamethrower’s ability to counter opponent infantry.

A good Halo Wars strategy will ALWAYS take advantage of the Leader’s ability, in this case the MAC cannon, as well as the UNSC Healing ability and the Disruption Bomb. The goal of this Halo Wars strategy is to inflict an early blow to your opponent, so that he can never fully recover.USER SUBMITTED: Captain Cutter Elephant RushThis strategy works well in many different scenarios. Start by sending your Warthog to scout your enemy and building a Supply Pad and Elephant. While scouting, keep building Supply Pads and move your Elephant near the enemy base, without exposing it to enemy scouts. If your Elephant is discovered, then your opponent will build Anti-Infantry Turrets and Flamethrowers or Jackals.

Then start producing infantry with your Elephant following 1 of 3 strategies. If your scout revealed that your enemy is building a large army of infantry, then focus on Flamethrowers. If your scout revealed that your enemy is building heavy defenses (Turrets and Shield Generator), then focus on Marines to use their grenade ability. If your opponent doesn't build an army or defense, and instead builds Supply Pads/Warehouse and Reactor/Temple Upgrades, then it really doesn't matter because you will rape him. Seriously though, you should build only Marines.

If your strategy requires you to build Marines, then you should also build a Barracks to upgrade to New Blood. Once you have a nice little army, attack your enemy's army first, then his key buildings.

It would be wise to save enough supplies for a MAC Cannon and/or Healing. Keep in mind, if supplies are scarce and you become desperate, then you should recycle your Reactor and/or Barracks so that you can produce more infantry. If your Rush fails, then switch to defense mode to avoid a counter-attack. This means that you should build another Elephant to put on defense and produce infantry. You may also want to build some Turrets. Then, switch to building some other type of unit, because your enemy will surely build Anti-Infantry units.SUBMITTED BY: SpartanKillaProfessor Anders Warthog Rush Strategy:To execute this Halo Wars strategy, your starting build order should be Supply Pad, Reactor, Supply Pad, upgrade Warthogs, Supply Pad, and Supply Pad. While you are building the Supply Pads, a good Halo Wars strategy will require you to move your Warthogs to a discrete location, where they can regroup unharmed.

Once you have produced enough Warthogs, a good Halo Wars Strategy will require you to quickly Rush your opponent before he can build adequate defenses. A good Halo Wars strategy will take advantage of the Warthogs “ram” ability to destroy opponent infantry. A good Halo Wars strategy will ALWAYS take advantage of the Leader’s ability, in this case the Cryobomb, as well as the UNSC Healing ability and the Disruption Bomb. The goal of this Halo Wars strategy is to inflict an early blow to your opponent, so that he can never fully recover.USER SUBMITTED: Jackal/Hunter RushI use Forge for a Warthog Rush, not Anders. Forge's Heavy Supply Pads will produce far more benefits to a Warthog Rush than Anders half-priced upgrades will. I mean, Anders only saves 125 on Gunner upgrade and 250 on Grenadier upgrade. Start by building 2 Heavy Supply Pads and a Reactor.

Produce another Warthog and 2 more Heavy Supply Pads. Send you 1st Warthog to scout and gather supplies, and send all new Warthogs to gather supplies as well. As soon as your Reactor is built, upgrade Warthogs to Gunner. Meanwhile, keep producing Warthogs, gathering supplies, and scouting. Then build 2 more Heavy Supply Pads, and upgrade to Grenadier.

Once you have at least 8 upgraded Warthogs, attack. If you encounter a Covenant Leader, focus all of your firepower on him, while avoiding his Leader Power to drain his resources. Keep in mind that your Warthogs can outrun the Cleansing Beam and Vortex. Also, set your Global Rally Point to the enemy base and keep producing Warthogs.


Once you have killed the enemy army, attack his main base. It's a good idea to save enough supplies for a Healing ability. This strategy will fail against the Covenant if you forget to micro manage your Warthogs and you let them be destroyed by his Leader ability.SUBMITTED BY: Anders, PhDUSER SUBMITTED: Marine/Flamethrower RushBuild in this order: Supply Pad, Supply Pad, and Barracks.

Send out your Warthog to gather supplies, for that is crucial. Train Marines and Flamethrowers in a ratio of 2:1. Build a Reactor ASAP and upgrade Supply Pads. While still training units, upgrade to New Blood and send your units to Rush. This has to be a quickly timed Rush, so don't dilly dally along with creating units.

A sizable force is 7-8 Marines and 3-4 Flamethrowers. Don't forget to use MAC Blast as well.SUBMITTED BY: PEGASUS vsRAMBO.

Alright marine, listen up. Last time to Halo Wars 2 and why it still has potential as an RTS worth playing, but now it’s time for the big leagues. As you step out into the battlefield there are a few key things you have to know: Fortune favours the bold; the best defence is a good offence; there is a need, for speed. Hang on, I need to reload my platitude gun.There are many different tactics and each commander lends a better with different playstyles, so the tips given here are for a more general approach. As you familiarise yourself with specific commanders you’ll learn what their best build orders and unit compositions are, but until then here’s what you need to know about the two primary multiplayer modes in the game: deathmatch and blitz.

Deathmatch The Starting GunAt the start of each game you’re given a 5 slot base and some basic infantry squads (2 marines or 3 grunts). As soon as the match starts queue a supply pad and a generator.

These will take some time to build. While you’re waiting, grab your infantry and find the nearest caches of resources and power, send your infantry to collect separate caches. Taking the closest ones will give you a quick boost or you can run some infantry into the centre of the map and collect those caches before the enemy does. Infantry will collect these caches over time so leave them to it.Resources and Power are your currencies so you need to make sure you’re producing enough.

Upgrade your generator and build another. Que another 2 infantry squads. While they’re training, send your starting infantry squads to the nearest forerunner generator. Ignore the sentinels for now and just focus on capturing, you will lose these squads but you’ll get a massive boost to Power production which you can use to upgrade your supply pads, infantry, and firebase.Now that you have a decent income of Power, you can start upgrading your Resource buildings and build more infantry. Aim to have 2 heavy supply pads, 2 advanced generators, and a barracks as quickly as you can.

At this point you should start looking to expand. Send some marine squads to pick up further afield caches and grab the next closest minibase. By expanding to the cheap minibases, you will be able to build more supply pads/generators which will allow you to build and upgrade your army quickly.Some players will aim to rush by the 5 - 6 minute mark so get some turrets down, build a couple of scout units and see what they’re up to. Countering these can be difficult, especially against high level players who have plenty of practice but it is possible. Rock, Paper, ScissorsEverything in Halo Wars 2 falls into the category of Infantry, Vehicle, Aircraft, or Building. These are fairly self explanatory but just in case; infantry are soldiers that move around on foot, vehicles range from scout bikes to tanks, aircraft is anything that flies, and buildings are well, buildings and turrets.In the building menu for each unit you’re given a quick heads up of what they’re strong against.

Keep this in mind and once you have an idea of what your enemy is focusing on, start preparing your counter. Lots of infantry around? Swarm them with flamers while snipers pick them off from the rear. Lots of aircraft? The wolverine is specifically built to counter aerial threats.Like all strategy games, expect the worst. Don’t prepare your forces purely to counter an aspect of theirs that you’ve seen.

The hornet swarm might be the brunt of their forces but a wave of scorpions might be right on their tail. Have some diversity and remember to keep upgrading your units through their respective buildings. Leader Powers and VeterancyThroughout the match you will earn Leader Points for capturing bases, destroying enemy units, upgrading your own buildings, and collecting caches.

These are used to buy powerful Leader Powers which will change how you’ll approach the rest of the match. Some leaders have great passives which allow them to build units faster once the power has been bought. Others have devastating attacks that can change the tide of battle.Much like Chess it’s important to think several moves ahead and to know what powers you’ll invest in as the match progresses. On the topic of the long game, it may not be apparent at first but units also earn experience while in combat and can achieve Veterancy.

A veteran unit has increased damage and hit points so keep those marines out of the grinder and pull back when you can. Healing units and skirmishing with the enemy can help you to get that Veterancy and to keep their numbers down. Though be warned that any of their units that survive will get the same bonus. Tips and TricksThe limiting factors in Halo Wars 2 that keep you from growing too powerful too quickly are Population and Level.Population limits how many units you can have on the field, with more powerful units costing more population. It’s easy to overlook this at first but in the Armory you can upgrade your population cap. Each level of this upgrade is more expensive but well worth it if you get the chance.Level, much like the Ages in Age of Empires, limits what buildings and units you can build until you upgrade your firebase. The Garage and Airfield are unlocked at level 2 with heavy tanks, aircraft, and ultimate units being unlocked at level 3.Having some artillery/siege turrets set up at your base with garrisoned marines guarding the approach will let you get some heavy hits in while the enemy is approaching.

Like the old ASDA adverts used to say, every little helps. And if you can defeat an enemy’s army and still have a sizeable force left, that pushback can be critical.Losing all of your bases isn’t an immediate loss. If you have units and enough points to buy a new firebase, the game will give you a chance to try claw back. In 99.99% of cases, this is pointless but hey, at least you can try. In a game I played the enemy struggled to break my defences for an hour, finally did, then left before my timer ran out. So maybe there is hope.Consider practising against AI while you learn the different commanders as the matchmaking issues I mentioned last week can and will throw you in the deep end. Blitz On Your Marks!Blitz focuses on area control and each player has their own custom deck.

Before you start, look at the cards in your deck and decide what playstyle you prefer. Do you like to defend? Take some heavy hitters or artillery. If you like to move around, get some ghosts or warthogs and choose a starting composition that fits your playstyle. Each leader gets a small selection of units that they can start with that fit a fast or heavy playstyle.During a Blitz match you will fight over 3 control points but you’ll also have to keep an eye out for the energy canisters that drop into the map.

Getting that energy keeps it out of your enemy’s coffers but they will be hotly contested so consider keeping a couple of fast units back to catch em out. If they’ve sent a decent force for the energy, try hit them with a power card if you’ve got it and move your main force in behind them to take the hopefully undefended point.In a Blitz match you don’t need to control every point, just the majority.

And if you have managed to gain a sizeable lead, you may be able to ride it out on a single zone at which point it’s better to start defending. Tips and TricksAlways remember that units spawned outside the starting portals have a form of summoning sickness and slowly heal up to full from half health. If you’re desperate for a little more firepower, spawn them at the back and give them a few seconds. Heck, even if you aren’t desperate it’s usually better to spawn them with your main force as they heal up quicker than the commute.Much like a Magic The Gathering deck, make sure to have a good spread of low cost cards, powers, and costly units. And never underestimate the value of a healing unit in a skirmish.

Those extra hitpoints can be all the difference.Instead of receiving doubles, every duplicate you get from a Blitz pack increases the level of your unit. This gives them a little more health and damage so consider building your strategy around your higher level units.Keeping a unit in a zone gives you a sacrificial goat that you can use to spawn more units around while you move some reinforcements in. Keep your energy up, there is nothing worse than sitting on an 120 point Scorpion and being unable to summon it.And lastly, enjoy the game. You might get curb stomped in the first few minutes of a deathmatch or finally break their defences after an hour but there’s no point if you aren’t enjoying it. Try new things, experiment, and find tactics that work well for you and your playstyle.