Beloved She Looked Like A Child Standing Next To Her

Posted : admin On 04.10.2019

To be exact, Xuejian was no longer a little girl. Her tall and thin figure was lovely alongside her lofty breasts and delicate waist. Even though she was not as sexy as Xue Wu, she was no longer a child. Xuejian didn’t meet Xue Wu back at the Supreme Beauty Pavilion, so she didn’t recognize her and thought that she was really Nangong Hongyan.

  1. Beloved She Looked Like A Child Standing Next To Her Back
  2. Beloved She Looked Like A Child Standing Next To Her Baby

Scene 1Josiah: I would get a beating every night for no reason at all. One night it went overboard and I actually fought back. He hit me hard and gave me a black eye. My mom sat there and didn’t do anything. I looked at her from the ground as tears streamed down her face because she couldn’t do anything to stop him.

I crawled in my room as he lies there on the sofa holding his groin. I closed the door, locked it and got up, started packing my clothes and the small things that I wanted with me like my PSP. I opened my window, threw my stuff out, and then I followed. I started walking and soon gained speed. I saw a police officer up ahead I stopped before I got to the car and prayed for the officer to understand why I need to ask for a ride or ask to use his cell phone. I hope he doesn’t ask why I, a ten year old kid, would be walking around the neighborhood at midnight.

I finally walked up to the car and as he rolled down the window I asked, “Can you take me to my aunt’s house?” He looked at me and I knew he saw the black eye.Luke: Sure, hop in.Josiah: I got in the passenger seat and he started to drive. I told him where and who my aunt was. We made small talk and one of the questions wasLuke: How did you get that black eye?Josiah: I looked down and said I got in a fight. The rest of the ride was quiet, which was short.

When the officer stopped at the apartment we got out and he walked me to the door. I rang the door bell.

She didn’t answer through the intercom she came to the door and opened it. My tears started to fall as she wrapped her arms around me.Dani: You should have called.Josiah: She held me longer before she let the officer in and we talked and took pictures of the black eye and the bruises.

And that’s where my life changes.Scene 2(Dani’s Apartment after taking the last picture of the black eye)Dani: One more picture and this is over. Ok, Joe we’re done. (Kisses his forehead) You need sleep, take my bed and we’ll talk about school in the morning.Josiah: No, I’ll take the couch.Dani: Josiah Michael Hamilton, I need to finish up with the paper work.

Go on to bed and we’ll talk in the morning. (He nods and leaves) Love you.Luke: Is that all I need to know?Dani: I think so. Oh and you probably want the pictures of Josiah.Luke: Yeah, that would be good. (Pause) You taught him how to fight?Dani: If I didn’t, Joe would be dead and we wouldn’t be having this conversation. I’m proud of him though, he finally fought back.Luke: He never did before?Dani: No, he never did OfficerLuke: Luke. Luke is fine.Dani: Luke, I’m Dani or Danielle.

Anyway, here the pictures are printed out. I hope you get him.Luke: If I don’t, then someone else will.Dani: Question is it kidnapping if Joe came to me and can Joe stay here for as long as he can?Luke: (Sigh) since I brought him here and he is safe, you didn’t kidnap him and I can’t answer the other question.Dani: Thanks, I needed to know.Luke: (nods) I better go and put this in a report.Dani: Right, well thank you for bringing Joe here and everything you’ve done.Luke: You’re welcome.Dani: If you need a laugh Josiah and I are around.Luke: I’ll keep that in mind. Good night Dani.Dani: Night Luke.Scene 3(Next morningDani is in the kitchen making breakfast.

Josiah groans after waking up and entering the kitchen.)Dani: Good Morning Josiah, how did you sleep?Josiah: I slept like a baby.Dani: Good, here is your breakfast.Josiah: Thanks Dani.Dani: You’re welcome. (Phone rings) I’ll get it.


(Answers the phone) Hello.hey yeah he is here, question; what happened last night that you couldn’t even save your sonYeah sureYou know what he needs to stay here for a while.and so should you.I’m not kidding (Looks at Josiah and then moves away) You know he might even kill youJessJess! (Hangs up the phone) Joe, how are we getting you to school?Josiah: Sadly I was thinking the same thing.Dani: (laughs) now I know that you’re not my nephew. Seriously though, I can take you to school, pick you up and then take you to the theatre where you can do homework and learn a little bit of acting or techie work. How’s that sound?Josiah: That sounds great! I would love that.Dani: But you have to have all of your homework done first.Josiah: I will I promise. (Eats his breakfast a little bit) What did mom want?Dani: To see if you were here and to make sure you were ok.Josiah: Really?Dani: (sad smile) really, are you done? We need to get you to school.Josiah: Ok, I’m going to go change.

(Stands and about to walk away)Dani: Josiah, (he looks back) I love you.Josiah: I love you too. (Walks back to the other room.)(Phone rings again.)Dani: Hellohi Officer Luke Parker how is the case goingOkyeah, I can understand that, you guys are busydon’t worry about itOh I’m taking him to school and then we have plans to go to the theatre whyoh really.well I think I can talk to him and see if he wants to go to dinner tomorrow night.I work on odd nights.ok well, call me later and let me know about the case Ok OfficerLuke Bye.Josiah: (Comes back in to the room) who was that?Dani: That was Officer Luke Parker; he wants to have dinner with us tomorrow night.

I told him it was up to you.Josiah: Sure why not? You need to go on a date anyway.

I hear you haven’t been out much.Dani: Hey, that’s none of your business; let’s go to your school.Josiah: Not looking like that you’re not.(Dani looks at what she is wearing and it was still her pajamas.)Dani: Yeah, I’ll be right back.Josiah: (laughing) what would you do without me? And you still need a date!Dani: (yells from the other room) don’t go there, kid.

I’m hurrying.Scene 4Josiah: My aunt Danielle has been helping me a lot and of course I’ve been getting to hang out at the theatre and get to learn about acting and technical work. I have also been getting free meals from an Officer Parker who has been eyeing Dani. He has been around a lot and I’m starting to get scared that he is going to take me away from Dani. It’s been a week and I’m not getting hurt and I’m happy. I’m getting better grades than I did when I was at home. Dani is more like a mombut I can’t help but think when the day will come when my mom and dad tries to come and take me back home. I pray that my mom will get help and my dad, but no matter how much I praysometimes I feel that they won’t change.

It’s been just 7 days and nothing has happened yetDani always said that thinking is dangerous, jokingly of course, it still makes you think.Dani?(Sitting on the sofa reading a book)Dani: Yeah, hon.Josiah: I’m scared.Dani: (puts down the book) Come here, why are you scared?Josiah: I’m scared that someone will come and take me away from you.Dani: (wraps her arms around him) Joe, if something like that did happen, you know I would fight for you. I would fight until I knew you are going to be with me.Josiah: What if mom and dad wants me back?Dani: They probably would want you back, but I wouldn’t want you to go back to themJosiah: Is it bad if I miss them?Dani: No, it’s not bad that you miss them.

Do you want to go see them?Josiah: If that’s ok with you?Dani: Joe, it would be fine, but we should bring Luke with us. Just so you know, they would want you back and I don’t have custody of you, so that means that you would have to stay with themJosiah: No, then I don’t want to see them. Not until I know that I will be safe.Dani: Do you want to see your mom?Josiah: Yeah, I do.Dani: I’ll see what I can do, ok.Josiah: OkDani?Dani: Yes?Josiah: Are you ever going to see Luke without me?Dani: (laughs) you know what? (Starts tickling him) You are a pain and you’re not even a teenager yet.Josiah: (laughs) Stop, I giveI give.Dani: but I love you just the same.Josiah: I love you too Dani.Scene 5Josiah: Dani is finally going out on a date with Luke. This has been an interesting night with Dani actually putting on different dresses and figuring out what to wear.(Dani walks out and turns around in a dress.)Hey she’s my aunt what do you expect, I gotta look out for her right?Dani: How about this Joe?Josiah: Wow, you know I bet any officer saw you they would want to date you.Dani: You’re not funny, but thank you.(Door knocks)Josiah: I’ll get it.Dani: Joe(Door opens and Cora comes in.)Josiah: Cora!

You’re going to stay until Dani comes back!Cora: Duh, you silly kid.Dani: Thanks for coming, Cora. I owe you.Cora: No you don’t, just because I lost an audition for watching my best friend’s favorite nephew and my favorite kid. What more could I ask for?Dani: You can guilt me even more, and kick my butt later.

How does that sound?Cora: Perfect! You look good, hopefully you’re date will look the same.Dani: We are not going to go there.Josiah: He’s a cop.Dani: JosiahCora: A cop huh? (Josiah nods) So what’s he like, Joe?Josiah: He is a nice guy, been after Dani ever since he’s met her.Dani: Joe, stop that. He was not, more concerned about you than me.(Door knocks)Josiah: Can I get it?Dani: Might as well.(He answers the door and Luke walks in.

Both girls jaws drop, Luke is in a tux)Luke: How are you Josiah?Josiah: I’m good and you?Luke: I’m good too; do you think Dani is ready?Josiah: Yeah as soon as she gets her jaw off the floor.Dani: (snaps out of it) Remember that I love you Joe and you will get you’re butt kicked later.Josiah: Yeah I know, I love you too now go.Cora: Yeah go ahead we’ll be fine.Dani: You both have my cell so call me if anything happensthat is bad, likeCora: Dani, breathe. Go have fun.Dani: Ok, I love you Joe. (Kisses his cheek)Josiah: I love you, just go already?(Dani and Luke leave)Josiah: Do you think that she will be ok and actually have fun?Cora: I guess we’ll find out later.Scene 6(Date is over and they are outside of the apartment)Dani: Luke, I have a question.Luke: You always have questions.Dani: Ha, ha. I was wondering if there is a good custody attorney.Luke: You want Josiah?Dani: Yeah, I do. I want him to be safe and he is safe with me. I can’t stand the fact that he is going to get hurt when he goes back to his parents.Luke: I know, I was thinking about it too and I think that you should adopt him and have supervised visits with the parents.Dani: Do you think my sister would flip her lid when I ask this of her?Luke: She might think of it as a blessing.Dani: I care about her too, but she won’t do anything about it.Luke: I know, I know.

Truthfully you can’t do anything other than try to get her to leave him and get a divorce.Dani: Joe wants to see her. I really want her to see him. I just don’t know how that will work.Luke: How about you three meeting for lunch? Would that work?Dani: It might, she calls and talks to me but not Josiah.

Why?Luke: She doesn’t want to let him know that she is weak.Dani: I should have known that. She does that to me all the time.Luke: I’m sorry.Dani: Yeah, well, I better go inside so I can make sure that Joe is in bed and thank you for dinner.Luke: You’re welcome and thank you for being you.Dani: You’re sucking up and you’re not good at it.Luke: I know.(Dani kisses his cheek)Dani: Goodnight Luke.Luke: Goodnight Dani. (He kisses her lips.)Dani: I have to go.

Night Luke.(Dani leaves him; Luke just stands there as the lights fade)Scene 7(Dani in the kitchen making breakfast and Josiah comes into the kitchen)Josiah: How was the date?Dani: It was nice.Josiah: Did he kiss you? Because if he did, am I allowed to kick his butt?Dani: (laughs) No you can’t kick his butt and yes he did kiss me.Josiah: You’re happy?Dani: Yes, I am. Here’s your breakfast and this time I’m changing before I take you to school.Josiah: Good thinking. Do you think you’ll go out on another date with him? (Dani leaves)Dani: Maybewhy are you asking?Josiah: Just wondering.

(Phone rings) Can I get it?Dani: Sure.Josiah: Hello, Collins residentshi momI’m ok how are youuh she’ll be here in a minute she went to changeschool is good. I’m working hardlearning a lotmom, don’t crypleasewhy don’t you want to see meI do love you mommomI love youDani, it’s mom.(Dani gets the phone)Dani: Jesshe wanted to answer the phoneJesscome on, he loves youwhatare you sure? (Looks at Josiah and walks away again) Jess, I would like to have Josiah in my custody and I was wondering if it would be ok with youJessI wouldn’t keep him away from you, just RickI want you to leave himJessJESS! (Hangs up the phone, Dani mumbles) I hate when she hangs up on me.Josiah: She sounded like she was hurt.Dani: Josiah, we need to get you to school.(Josiah stands)Josiah: Dani?

When can I see her?Dani: Oh baby, I don’t know (They hug) I just don’t know.Josiah: Thank you.Dani: For what?Josiah: for everything.Dani: (smiles) go get ready for school. And we’ll talk on the way there.(Josiah leaves the kitchen as Dani sits there.

She picks up the phone and calls Cora)Dani: CoraHey we need to talkit’s about Joe and his momI need advice, (she looks to make sure Joe isn’t around) Jess doesn’t want to see himyeah; lunch sounds goodsee you then Cora. (Hangs up the phone)Josiah: Hey are you ready to go?Dani: Yeah, let’s go.Josiah: Are you ok?Dani: I’m not going to lie, no I’m not. I’m meeting Cora for lunch and we are going to talk.Josiah: have fun.Scene 8Dani: I don’t know what to do.Cora: Well, I don’t know what else to tell you. Other than you need to keep Joe.Dani: No kidding.

Hey look who’s coming our way.Cora: Jess has changed a lot.Dani: Yeah she has. (Dani stands) Hey Jess, what are you doing here?Jess: (sighs) I want Josiah back and so does Rick.Dani: Are you two getting any help?Jess: Just give me my son.Dani: Answer my question.Jess: (pauses) Yes we are.Dani: Where are you getting it?Jess: Damn it Danielle, just give me my son and everything will be ok.Dani: Unless I know that you two are getting help, then I would be happy to give you back Joe.Jess: Rick is getting better, Dani. He wants Joe back as much as I do.Dani: (exams her clothes) Let me see your arms.Jess: No!(Dani grabs Jess’s hands and pushes up her sleeves)Dani: Jessicahe is burning you with cigarettes.Jess: No he’s not.Dani: You’re telling me that Rick didn’t touch you and burn you, but Josiah is willing to tell(Jess slaps Dani and there is silence)Dani: (sigh) you’re willing to stand up to me but not your husband.Cora: Come on Dani. Let’s go.Dani: Good idea, Cora.Jess: IIDani: Let me guess, it never will happen again. (She leaves)Jess: Danielle!

Pleaselet me have Joe.Cora: Jess, first you need to leave Rick and start making something of your self. Josiah needs a mother who can stand up for herself and he needs to learn that he doesn’t need to be hitting girls or women.Jess: Cora, I need him.Cora: Which one Rick or Josiah? Think about it Jess, a son who needs his mother or a husband who needs another punching bag. Think about it.(Cora leaves)Scene 9Dani: It was nothing.Luke: Nothing my foot. Your face is red from that slap.Cora: Jess really wants Joe back.Dani: I know she does, but she is not going to change until she leaves Rick.

(Looks at her watch) I gotta get Josiah.Luke: Are you going to let Joe see your face?Dani: How am I going to hide it from him? With make up? I don’t wear any and he knows it. He knows me better than I know myself.Cora: It’s true.

He does, and he loves you too.Dani: Yeah, I know.Cora: You’re a good aunt. He trusts you.Dani: I don’t want to lose him.Luke: I hate to break it to you but you might have to send him back. (Dani and Cora shocking looks) I’m one of the men in law and I know it like the back of my hand, so I’m telling you the truth.Dani: I hate that you’re rightCora: At the moment I don’t like you.Luke: Sorry but it’s the truth.Dani: I need to go get Josiah and tell him what’s going on.Luke: Dani, trust your heart on this and trust meplease.Dani: I will.(Dani and Cora leaves)Scene 10Josiah: (sitting on the floor and sad almost at tears) I’m going back. Dani’s face was red from a hand print and her eyes were blotchy. She told me that mom wants me back. It’s been three weeks of happiness.

I’m scared that the pain will come back, the bad grades will come back, and everything that has hurt me. My birthday is tomorrowand I know that Dani didn’t want this to be my present from her. She said that she would come for my birthday and that she will take me to lunch with Luke and Cora. Tonight will be the first night I’ll be with my mom and dad and I’m scared out of my mind. At least I know what to do if I need to get out of the Luke. I’m glad I met him and I’m glad that he likes Dani. Sometimes I wish that Dani was my mom and Luke was my dad.Rick: It’s about time you came back.

Did you have a good couple of weeks?Josiah: Yes, sir I did.Rick: Excuse me?Josiah: UhI mean no sir. I didn’t.Rick: That’s what I thought.Jess: Josiah, why don’t you go to bed?Rick: No, we’re talking.Jess: He has school in the morning Rick.(Rick slaps her)Rick: Don’t even go there, woman.Josiah: Don’t hit her! (He fights with Rick, Jess gets the phone this time and calls Dani.)Rick: You think you can come and fight me? You’ve tried it before.Jess: Come and get us, Dani.Rick: You bitch!

Beloved She Looked Like A Child Standing Next To Her

You think you can call someone and get them to come here!(Josiah stands wobbly and then jumps on Rick’s back before he hits Jess)Josiah: Don’t touch her!Rick: You’re never going to learn are you kid. (Rick flips Joe off and he hits the floor hard) Nice try but I don’t think you’re going to get up after that.(Luke barges in with gun in hand with his partner beside him.)Luke: Down on the ground! NOW!(Dani runs in and goes to Josiah as Luke handcuffs Rick)Dani: Josiah, can you hear me baby. Josiah!Jess: I’m sorry Danihe was trying toDani: Save you. Josiah Michael please answer me.

(Dani holds Josiah)Luke: Someone call a bus, now!Dani: Josiah, please wake up. (Jess stands there watching Dani holding Josiah)Scene 11Jess: I should have listened to you DaniI’m sorry. (Dani doesn’t say anything just sits there looking down) Did you hear me?

I’m sorry.(Dani looks at her finally)Dani: I heard you. Shockingly I have nothing to say. (Dani gets up and walks away)(Cora enters)Cora: Dani! (They hug)Dani: Joe is in a comma and Rick is in jail.

Go see Jess; she probably wants to talk to you more than me.(Cora lets go of Dani)Cora: You sure? (Dani nods) Ok.

(Walks over to Jess) Jess, are you ok?Jess: Dani won’t talk to me and my son is in a commawhat do you think?Cora: Probably as crappy as Dani does.Jess: Thanks for talking to me though. I guess hearing the same old thing from Dani got old and I needed to hear it form someone else.Cora: Yeah, I figured. Let’s get some coffee. (They walk to the other side of the stage)Luke: Dani, Josiah is going to be fine.Dani: I know, but when is he going to wake up?Luke: You are always asking questions that I can’t really answer.Dani: I’m sorry. I just want Josiah to wake up.

(Looks at her watch) Its 12:15 am it’s his birthday and he has bruises all over him and other black eye. (Her emotions take over and she cries on his shoulder.)Luke: Oh Dani, you know he’s going to make it.

You know he will.Dani: You can’t promise that. It’s in God’s hands and I’m praying that God will let him stay here.Luke: Keep praying DaniKeep praying, you know God is listening.Dani: What would I have done without you?Luke: Who knows, sweetie?

Beloved She Looked Like A Child Standing Next To Her Back

Who knows?(The doctor comes in.)Doctor Northern: Mrs. Hamilton?Jess: (stands) Yes, is Josiah ok?Doc. Northern: He’s fine. He woke up and he went back to sleep.Jess: Thank youcan I stay here with him.Doc. Northern: Yeah, you can do that.(Doc. Northern walks to Dani)Dani: Thank you Denise. I know it had to be hard on you.Doc.

Northern: You’re welcome and yes it was hard, but you trusted me with him. And that tells me that I’m a pretty damn good doctor for a friend to come and ask for help.Dani: Thank you.Doc. Northern: Again, you’re welcome and Danielle thanks for trusting me.(Doc Northern walks away)Dani: She’s the best and that’s what Josiah needs. Thank you God!Luke: You need just as much rest as he does.Dani: I know. I want to stay here with him.Luke: Jess is with him. Why don’t we go home?Dani: (looks at him weird) we go home? Did I miss something here?Luke: You know what I mean.

Why don’t I take you home?Cora: I think I’m going to go ahead home. And Dani let the boy take you home. Night (Cora leaves)Dani: (jaw drops) Night Cora. Well, I guess you are the next person to take me home, but I’m not leaving.Luke: Ok, finewhere are you sleeping?Dani: Right there in that chair.

(She sits down and leans back.)Luke: Fine (He sits next to her)Dani: What are you doing?Luke: Staying here with you.Dani: DO you have to work tomorrow?Luke: I work the night shift tomorrow.Dani: Just checking.(Dani and Luke started to go to sleep)Scene 12(Josiah wakes up)Josiah: Daniwhere are you?Jess: (wakes up) Sh, shh, you’re ok.Josiah: Where’s Dani?Dani: (walks in) I’m right here, Josiah. (Takes his hand in hers)Josiah: I fought backDani: That’s my boy.Josiah: It felt good.Dani: (sadly laughs) I’m glad it did.Josiah: Mom, are you ok?Jess: Yes, babyI’m ok. Dani came before he even hit meagain.Josiah: Where is dad?Luke: In jail, you don’t have to worry about him. The only thing you need to worry about is this (He hands Josiah a medium size box) Happy Birthday Joe!Josiah: Thanks Luke. (He opens the box and a picture of Great Dane) It’s a dog picture. Thanks Luke.Luke: Actually Dani and I thought about it.Dani: You’re old enough to have one.Josiah: What?

Katherine Baker sits on the side of interstate 295 wearing her long blue dress. She’s a thin woman, with golden hair, and jungle green eyes. Tears are streaming down her face. She left her husband on the sofa sleeping.

She doesn’t know where to go and she can only think of what just happened at the place where she used to call home.Katherine was in the kitchen making dinner when she heard her husband Lyle walk in and then he grabbed her biceps hard.“What’s for dinner?” he asked angrily.“Uhchicken pot pie.,” she said as clearly as she could without letting him know that she was scared.“I don’t want that,” he pulled her away from the counter and pushed her to the floor. “I’ll make my own dinner while you just sit there.” Lyle was a muscular guy like Arnold Schwarzenegger, worked in construction, and his eyes were brown almost black.Katherine just nodded and never looked at him in the face. She knew if she moved or said anything he would probably kill her. While Lyle was making his dinner he would walk across the kitchen floor and kick Katherine as many times as he wanted.Once he was done creating his dinner, he sat at the table eating. He would look at her to say, “Do you want some?” and then he would throw a little piece of food at her like she was a dog. Then when he was finished eating, he would leave his plate on the table for Katherine to clean up when Lyle said it was time for her to get up off the floor.

He would go to the other room and watch a TV show then fall asleep.Before he became a son of a bitch, he was a sweet guy who cared about others including Katherine. He took care of the patients that he listened to and made sure that the ones who needed justice got it. Then one day he was accused for sexual harassment that he never did. In his mind, he thought that Katherine took the patient’s side when she was really on his side. This was the only reason why she has stayed with him to let him see that she was there for him.Katherine was tired of what was happening to her for so many months. After she cleaned up the kitchen, she left.Bright lights blinded her when she turned to hear an engine stopped running. She stood up and covered her eyes so she could see who stopped.“Excuse me,” a tender voice spoke as the door opened and stepped out of the car.

Beloved she looked like a child standing next to her movie

“Are you okay?”Katherine didn’t say anything. The image came closer to her.“Do you need any help?” the woman that looked like Diane Neal from Law and Order: SVU asked as she got even closer to Katherine. Again, Katherine didn’t say anything to her.“My name is Olivia. Why don’t you come to my house? You can get cleaned up and get something in your stomach if you want.”Katherine stood there for a second to figure out if this Olivia was a nice person. She looked at Olivia’s eyes, and she saw that were kind and concerned for her.“I’m Katherine.”“Nice to meet you Katherine, come on.”Olivia took her bag from the ground and carried it to the trunk of the car.

Katherine remembered every time she had to get in the car, especially the first time ten months ago.“Where are you going?” Lyle asked as he closed the side door and started walking to the car.“Getting in the car,” Katherine said as she reached for the passenger side door handle.Lyle took her hand and pulled it behind her back. “That’s not where you’re going to sit.” He took her to the back of the car and opens the trunk. “Get in.”“Why the trunk?” Katherine asked out loud.He pulled her hand higher up her back almost breaking her arm, “Because I said so that’s why.” He pushed her inside the trunk and once she was inside he closed it.While Katherine was in the trunk thinking what she has done wrong that day and why she was put in the trunk the first place. For all Katherine knew she did nothing wrong.“Katherine” Olivia was standing next to her snapping her finger close to her eyes.“Sorry,” Katherine said while she walked to the car. Olivia followed her and watched her go to the trunk of the car.“What are you doing?” Olivia asked, while realizing what Katherine was thinking. Katherine shook her head.“You know, you can sit in the front seat as long as you buckle up. It’s a law in Virginia.”Katherine looked at the trunk and then looked at the passenger side door.

It had been too long since she had sat in the front seat. Katherine slowly walked to the front of the car. Olivia watched Katherine as she open the door and got in slowly. Once Katherine’s door was shut, Olivia got in, started the engine, and closed her door.“Don’t forget to buckle up, Katherine,” Olivia said in a soft voice while buckling her seat belt.

Katherine nodded and fastened her own seat belt.Lyle woke up to the sound of screams on the TV. “Stupid TV show,” he said while stretching. He stood up and turned off the TV. “It’s too quietI wonder if she’s sleeping.” He walked to her bedroom door and kicked it in. She wasn’t there. “All right she’s not in there. Maybe the bathroom?” He walked to the bathroom door and bang on it hard then opened it.

He even looked in his room and saw that the car keys were gone. “That bitch.” He ran down the hall into the kitchen where the side door where the car is parked to see if she took it. “That stupid bitch!

She’s going to get it when I get my hands on her!” The car was gone and he started for his search for her after he found his motorcycle key.Olivia parked in her driveway and turned off the engine. This is my home.”Olivia’s house was a two story house that had a wrapped around porch. She left the outside lights on so it would be easier for her to find her way to the door.“Let me show you around.” Olivia was out of her seat belt and out of the car heading to the trunk of the car to get Katherine’s bag. Katherine hesitated getting out of the car and walking into the house. Olivia was next to Katherine’s door waiting for her to get out.

Olivia puts her hand on the door handle to open it.“Come on, let me show you around.” Her hand was out waiting for Katherine to take it.“I don’t think you’ll be comfortable in the car. Trust me, I know.”Without another word, Katherine unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car. Katherine didn’t trust Olivia just yet but she did trust her more than Lyle.“Let’s go inside, but I must warn you that I have two dogs. I hope that’s okay.” Katherine shrugged her shoulders while following Olivia up the steps. Once Olivia opened the door and put Katherine’s bag next to the stairs, they hear barking.“Jack.

Shadow, it’s only me.” A Golden Retriever ran around the corner and slid on the hardwood floor. Olivia bent down to pet him. “This is Shadow, Jack must be hiding.

Beloved She Looked Like A Child Standing Next To Her Baby

Jack is a Great Dane so don’t freak out if you see a horse walking around.”Katherine giggled like a child would do when they would hear something funny from an adult. Olivia smiled wondering how long it’s been since Katherine laughed or smiled. Olivia stood up while Shadow greeted her with a sniff and encouraged her to pet him.“Here is the down stairs,” Olivia said as she started to walk towards the kitchen and Katherine followed.

Olivia pointed to the living room, “This is the living room where you can watch a movie, read, or just relax.” Katherine looked in there real quick. “Here’s the bathroom.” Olivia opened the door to show her where it was. “And right here is the kitchen.” Olivia explained where everything is in the kitchen then she asked, “What would you like to eat?”“What?” Katherine asked in confusion.“Are you hungry?” Olivia asked while getting a mix from a cabinet.

“I didn’t have dinner yet. If you want I can make something for you.”“Oh no thank you.”“You might want something to eat.

I think you’ll feel a little bit better.” Olivia looked at Katherine. She had a blank look on her face. “Okay, how about this, I’ll make something and if you want it you can eat it or you can give it to Shadow.

I think he likes you.”Katherine looked down seeing that Shadow hadn’t left her side since she was greeted by him. Olivia started to make their dinner and Katherine decided to sit down in one of the chairs. Shadow had placed his head on Katherine’s lap.Olivia was almost done with dinner when she heard Jack’s paws slowly entering the kitchen.

Jack is at the right height where Olivia didn’t have to bend down to pet him. Olivia looked at him, “What did you do?” She asked him like he was a child. Jack just laid down on the floor next her feet. “Yeah, yeah suck up all you want Jack, but you’re not getting a treat.”“Why do you talk to him like that?” Katherine asked.Olivia looked at her, “Like what?”“Why do you talk to him like a child?”“I talk to them like that because they are my kids.” Olivia got a couple of plates from the cabinet.“Did you want kids?” Katherine asked.“Why all of a sudden you asking me questions?” Olivia was confused while she put the mashed potatoes on the plates and then the baked chicken.“I don’t know. I’m sorry,” Katherine looked down at Shadow and he was looking up at her.“No its ok I don’t mind answering your questions I guess I was a little confused on where they were coming from that’s all.” Olivia placed the forks and knifes on the plates and took them to the table where Katherine was sitting. “I don’t really know if I want kids.

I think I’m better off with dogs or being an aunt.” Olivia sat next to her and said, “What about you?”“I don’t knowI’m too scared to be living in this world and to bring a child in the mix.” Katherine looked at her plate that was sat down in front of her.“It’s not going to bite you, unless you bite it back.” Olivia said while watching Katherine.“I can eat this with you.”Olivia was concerned now, “Yes, you can do what you want. You don’t have to be afraid of being yourself.”Katherine gave her a sad smile, “I don’t know who I am anymore.”Lyle found the car on the side of route one where Katherine ran out of gas. “If it isn’t my lucky night,” he said parking next to the car, getting off his motorcycle, and looking into one of the windows. “You’ve got to be kidding me?!” He hit the car as hard as he could. “I know I can’t find her in the darkI guess I’ll have to wait until the morning and once I do find her, she’ll be one less person on this fucking earth.” Lyle got back on his motorcycle and drove back to where he started.“Did you enjoy your dinner?” Olivia asked seeing that Katherine’s plate was empty.Katherine nodded, “Thank you.”“No problem here let me show you where you’ll be sleeping and I’ll get the dishes.” Olivia stood up and walked to the stairs and Katherine followed.

Olivia picked up Katherine’s bag and started her way up the stairs with the dogs raced up the stairs before they could make it to the top step. “They like to race me up here,” Olivia said. “Okay, you two won, go to your spots.” The dogs went to the door where they could get their treat, Olivia put the bag down on the floor, and then she opened the door. “This is the closet where the towels, sheets, wash clothes, and their treats are. I know a bad place to put them but they can’t get to it if the door is closed.” Olivia took out two treats, “Sit” they sat. “Don’t move” she placed the treat on their noses.

The things I seeAre the things I hateI hate the fact thatFamily members have toFlaunt aroundShowing off boyfriendsKnowing the fact thatI don’t have oneI want to cryI want to runawayFrom it allDoes anyone knowHow it really feelsNo one in this family doesNot even my sisterUnderstandsProbably becauseShe is one of the “cute” onesUnlike meI’m not cuteI’m not prettyI’m not smartOr anything else!I’m in a family thatEncourages meBut doesn’t really encourages meI’m lost in a “pretty” familyAnd everyone sees everyone elseBut loses me.