Arma 3 Alive Dedicated Server

Posted : admin On 17.10.2019

ALIVE is the next generation dynamic persistent mission addon for Arma 3. Developed by Arma community veterans, the easy to use modular mission framework provides everything that players and mission makers need to set up and run realistic military operations in almost any scenario up to Company level, including command, combat support, service support and logistics. ALiVE Data works on both Windows and Linux servers. There are optional pbo's included for server admins to autostart data in all missions, even if the data module is not placed. Mission Persistence requires the ALiVE Data module to be placed and can store persistence data either locally or in the cloud.

A U-tube video tutorial by Kirkwood364 which uses Tophe's Arma 2 Dedicated Server Tool to administer and run an A3 server(Links for all the files required are available in the 1st comment of his Utube video)USEFUL ADDONSZeuServerSkillThis addon, installed serverside only, allows redefining skill setting on both the server (and remotely to the clients). This fixes the issue of not being able to reset Skill and precision settings and makes the AI less lethalZeuServerBriefingThis addon, installed serverside only, injects an additional section to the clients briefing. You can edit the userconfig file to state exactly what information you want in this section.Typical useage. Your teamspeak details. Your web address. Server rulesTICKETS RAISED that need your Vote.

Edit the ArmA3SteamUpdater.cmd and run itTo select Development version. SET A3BRANCH=107410 -beta developmentTo roll back to stable build. SET A3BRANCH=107410To use the Dedicated server package (Stable branch only)This has a smaller diskspace footprint than the full client installs. SET A3BRANCH=233780 -betaIn your root install, make sure your steamappid.txt file entry is 107410 (Do not use 233780)Important Featuresince 12th March 2013the development branch and the stable branch versions are no longer compatible. This means:.

Only DEV clients can connect to a DEV server. Only Stable clients can connect to stable serversImportant Featuresince?

2014A dedicated server package is now available which has a smaller disk space footprint than the full client installMost if not all client only required files have been removed. Graphics, sounds etcThis package is only available on the stable branch.Use SET A3BRANCH=233780 -betaLeave the steamappid.txt file entry as 107410PORT FORWARDING (ArmA3) (Firewalls)Open the spoiler for more info. ArmA3 uses the same default ports as ArmA2 with the addition of 2 steam ports.

So if you intend running A2 and A3 servers on the same machine, you need to edit the ports usedDefault ports are all UDP and as follows.2302 (Arma3 Game port & VON).2303 (Steam query port).2305 (Steam Port).2306 (BattleEye RCON port). 8766 (Steam port) obsolete since 1.22 hotfix patch. This is now hardcoded to use Gameport + 3 (eg 2305). 27016 (Steam query port) obsolete since 1.22 hotfix patch.

This is now hardcoded to use Gameport + 1 (eg 2303)To define the ArmA3 Game port used,state -port=. in your command line arguments (Where. is the new initial ArmA3 Game eg 2302)and to define your Steam portsadd the following lines to your CONFIGVanilla.cfg (editing the actual port numbers as required)// STEAMsteamport=8766;steamqueryport=27016; Obsolete, now engine hardcoded to use gameport +1If you are running multiple servers, i would suggest the following formatSERVER 1.2302 UDP (used for game & VON).2303 UDP (Steam query port).2304 UDP (?

No information available for this port useage).2305 UDP (used for Steam Port).2306 UDP (BattleEye RCON port)so open ports 2302-2305and leave at least 10 ports between the next server setSERVER 2.2322 UDP (used for game & VON).2323 UDP (Steam query port).2324 UDP (? No information available for this port useage).2325 UDP (used for Steam Port).2326 UDP (BattleEye RCON port)so open ports 2322-2326leave at least 10 ports then repeat the process for No3 server etcUpdate for the armaserverx64.exeI also found I needed to add a firewall rule for the 64 bit server executable for it to be broadcast on the WAN (Still don't know why it wouldn't work without doing that as all the ports were opened)(End of 64 bit binary only)BATTLEYE CONFIGURATIONOpen the spoiler for more info. Battleye is the ArmA engine's anti cheat application. It is automatically installed and updated.It can be disabled in your CONFIGVanilla.cfgby defining Battleye=0;If you have followed these instruction to the letter, you will see a Battleye folder in your d:GamesArma3A3Master'You will need to manually create a file in this folder named BEServer.cfg using a text editor such as Notepadwith the following content (Edit as you see fit)RConPassword ABC123XYZRConPort 2306MaxPing 250There is an additional command you can define which is RConIP. However this can cause issues and if you have used the instructions in this tutorial, you will not need toUpdate for the armaserverx64.exe1) BattleEye changes. 64 bit binary runs the beserverx64.dll. It also needs a BEServerx64.cfg (Which is simply a renamed copy of your BEServer.cfgLOCATION OF FILES (When setting parameters)Open the spoiler for more info.

Just to clarify here is an example file structure and location of files if you set certain parametersCommand line entry: -profilesNOTE: If running Firedeamon, the user will be 'SYSTEM', for most other scenarios it will be 'Administrator'The below example is for Firedeamon.Files automatically created during exe.start if they don't already exist are highlighted in Blue'-profiles=d:GamesArma3A3Master'd:GamesArma3A3MasterUsersSYSTEM SYSTEM.Arma3Profiled:GamesArma3A3MasterUsersSYSTEM SYSTEM.vars.Arma3Profiled:GamesArma3A3MasterUsersSYSTEM Arma3.cfgd:GamesArma3A3Master MPMissions? This is done by defining the values in your users.arma3.cfg fileThere is no 'How to set up for best performance' tutorial that works wellThere is a lot of guessing, theory etc.

Arma 3 Alive Dedicated Server Download

And a thread that is trying to get to the bottom of ithere are some useful links. The top link is the best to get you up and runningThe rest at the moment, is mainly discussion(Discussion thread, will eventually become a tutorial, i hopeSEPERATE DISCUSSION THREADS.This is the best basic guideline that will get you up and runningTROUBLE SHOOTINGOpen the spoiler for more info.

I created a Debugging tutorial guide for serverside issues which you can find in the sticky section of this forumSteps to takeFirst element to decide is:Does the issue show itself from.a) Clientside perspective (i.e a client trying to join the server, or maybe viewing the game browser etc)B) Serverside perspective (Issues that can only be seen from backend (RDP) accessNow that you have a better understanding of where the issue lies, be confident that this tutorial works, because it does. Many admins have used it to set up there servers successfully. So it is likely you skipped over some steps or didn't read the instructions carefully enough (Like we all do):oThere may of course be errors somewhere. If they are please let me know so I can update this. This problem has been solvedOur server original operating system: Windows Server 2008 Enterprise (Simplified Chinese) SP1Run steam and ArmA 3 Alpha occur same error message.CreateDXGIFactory1 could not be located in the dynamic link library dxgi.dll.First, download and install,the problem persistsThen upgrade Windows Server to SP2, still error.:cryy:Last, download and install,the problem is solved!For reference.ArmA2 and ArmA3 servers conflict if they use the same ports. @echo offSETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION:: DEFINE the following variables where applicable to your installSET STEAMLOGIN = mylogin mypasswordSET A3BRANCH = 233780 - beta:: For stable use SET A3BRANCH = 107410:: For Dev use SET A3BRANCH = 107410 - beta development:: For Dedi server stable package use SET A3BRANCH = 233780 - beta:: Note, the missing qotation marks, these need to be wrapped around the entire '+appupdate.' SET A3Path = D: GamesArmA3A 3MasterSET STEAMPATH = D: appsSteam:: echo.echo You are about to update ArmA3echo Dir:% A3Path%echo Branch:% A3BRANCH%echo.echo Key 'ENTER' yo procedepause% STEAMPATH% steamcmd.


Exe + login% STEAMLOGIN% + forceinstalldir% A3Path% + 'appupdate%A3BRANCH%' validate + quitecho.echo Your ArmA3 is now up to dateecho key 'ENTER' to exitpauseCONFIGVanilla.cfg. ERazeri created an auto-restart batch file to restart the server if it crashed:::Made by eRazeri@echo off: startC: WindowsSystem32tasklist / FI 'IMAGENAME eq arma3server.exe' 2 NUL C: WindowsSystem32find / I / N 'arma3server.exe' NULif '%ERRORLEVEL%' '0' goto loopecho Server monitored is not running, will be started nowstart ' / wait 'D:GamesArma3A3Masterarma3server.exe' - config = CONFIGVanillar.

Cfg '-profiles=G:GamesArmA3A3Master' - world = emptyecho Server started succesfullygoto started: loopclsecho Server is already running, running monitoring loop: startedC: WindowsSystem32timeout / t 10C: WindowsSystem32tasklist / FI 'IMAGENAME eq arma3server.exe' 2 NUL C: WindowsSystem32find / I / N 'arma3server.exe' NULif '%ERRORLEVEL%' '0' goto loopC: WindowsSystem32taskkill / im arma3server. Exegoto startFiredeamonOpen the spoiler for more info. Firedeamon is an application that allows users ability to start and stop Windows services and run batch files without rear end access. It is administered via a web interface and is an excellent tool for Windows servers.

Mods are basically a collection of addons installed in foldersAddons are made by 3rd parties to add content or functionality to the gameTypical Structure of a Mod folderA3 root folder. First off, thank you very much for OP!I have set this up remotely on my server but just wondering about how to do mission selection or difficulty config?

I am not at home so cannot connect with client to test/admin it and I can see people just connecting then disconnecting so I guess it is currently without a mission. There is no RPT file I can see either.Also, is RCON an option? I cannot see any battleye folder.EDIT: OK it looks like some more savvy users have connected long enough to start a mission and it is now getting more connections. Still wondering about RCON and/or server console logging. Edited March 6, 2013 by redshirtensign. For some reason it is not picking up the config file but its starting it as a server this is my target line (it also did this on arma 2 and i had to use tophes for it to work right)'C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonArma 3arma3.exe' -server -config=A3test.cfgThat is strange, right now the only things I can think to check would be that your.cfg file has been placed into the root of yourArma 3 folder and that you didnt accidentally save the file as 'yourarma3config'.cfg.txtI know it might seem silly but a slip of the mouse has caused me to do this before.

Got it all cept this part. So your saying put Steam in OFFLINE Mode (unsure of how to do this) and then launch server.? Then place Steam back online and launch Client game? Need a little light shed here please.P.S: Im assuming I can launch Dedi from same PC I play with like Arma2No, this relates to using the same key/steam account to run a server instance (on a separate server) with Steam in Offline mode, while using the same Steam account on your local PC to connect to said server.

Arma 3 dedicated server tool

There is no dedicated server binaries at the moment, so running a local server and client will most likely be impossible at the time being.Kudos to the OP, set a server up in a few minutes with the provided instructions!