Study Guide Diary Of Anne Frank

Posted : admin On 15.10.2019

The Diary of Anne Frank, Act I Study Guide: Answer Key11. Setting: Time (year Franks go into hiding), place (city, country), specific hiding place 1942/ Amsterdam, Holland/ secret annex of Mr.

  1. Study Guide The Diary Of Anne Frank
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The Diary of Anne Frank. Study Guide Questions. Answer the questions in complete sentences on another sheet of paper. Use details from the play to support your responses. Act I, Scene 1. The opening scene takes place in November 1945. The rest of the play is a flashback.

Frank’s office building 2. Characters: Identify who they are (father of , friend of , etc.), what they do (make the rules, write in diary, etc.), and as many of their personality traits that you can think of. Frank’s former secretary, brings the group food and other supplies in hiding, selfless, kind b. Kraler: One of Mr. Frank’s former employees who helps those in hiding; he tries to keep their spirits up by telling them positive news c. Frank: Anne and Margot’s father.

Holds the group together by being calm, wise, and light-hearted. He makes the rules for the secret annex. Frank: Anne and Margot’s mother. She is very protective of Anne and often worries about others. She keeps to herself and speaks only when necessary. Anne Frank: She is 13, outgoing, creative, and humorous. The play is based on the diary that she writes in while in hiding.

She says what she thinks which often gets her into trouble. Margot: Anne’s older sister.

She is 16, studious, helpful, kind, and quiet. Van Daan: He is Peter’s father. He helped Mr. Frank when he first arrived in Amsterdam. He has a short temper, can be selfish, and likes to smoke and eat. He often bickers with his family and Anne. Van Daan: She is Peter’s mother.

She is spoiled, selfish, flirtatious, and unabashed. She often embarrasses Peter. Peter: He is 16, opinionated, sullen, and serious.

He rips off and burns his yellow star as soon as he gets into hiding. Dussel: He is meticulous and set in his ways. He is used to living alone, so he has trouble getting along with others. He is allergic to most animals. What is the purpose of the first scene in the play? It lets the audience know that Mr.

Frank will be the only one of his family to survive the war. We are also introduced to Anne and her diary. Except for Scene 1, the entire play is told in flashback (the events have already occurred but are being remembered). What are the rules that Mr. Franks sets for how they must live while in hiding? There must be complete silence from 8am-6pm. No one may use the toilet or run water, and they may not wear shoes when walking around.

Why do they go to their hiding place wearing layers of clothing? They need changes of clothes while in hiding, but carrying a suitcase would look too suspicious. Anne makes most of the characters in the annex angry at some point in Scene 3. List each one and briefly describe what happens between Anne and that character. Peter: Anne steals Peter’s shoes and makes fun of him by dressing up in his clothes and mimicking him b.

Van Daan: Anne accidentally spills milk on her expensive fur coat c. Franks: Anne refuses to be a “dignified” lady. She would rather speak how she feels, and Mrs. Frank is embarrassed by this. Van Daan: Anne is curious and talkative which Mr. Van Daan does not approve of. He wants her to be quiet and mind her own business.

Dussell: He thinks Anne talks too much and asks too many questions. Frank react when there is a problem? Provide specific details from the play. Frank often changes the subject or tells a joke when the people in the annex become angry or worried.

Study Guide Diary Of Anne Frank

When they hear noise in the office below, most of the people in the annex become afraid and paranoid. Frank, on the other hand, remains calm and logical, and eventually convinces everyone else to continue the Hanukkah celebration. Describe the mood of Scene 4 and provide specific details to support your answer. The mood of scene 4 is fearful because Anne has a nightmare about being arrested by the Green Police. Why is it important for those in hiding to celebrate Hanukkah? The celebration helps to comfort them and provide hope that God will protect them.The Diary of Anne Frank, Act I Study Guide: Answer Key211.

Study Guide The Diary Of Anne Frank

How can the audience tell that Anne is becoming more sensitive to the feelings of others? Anne is the only one who gives presents for Hanukkah. Multi tt usb 3.0 hub. She uses whatever resources she has to make or find everyone a gift.

Hanukkah celebrates the victory of the ancient Hebrew people over the persecution and tyranny of the Romans. In what ways could Jewish people in the 1940s relate to this story? The Jewish people in the 1940s are being persecuted by the Nazi government in Germany. They are not allowed to do many of the things that those who are not Jewish are able to do. Dramatic irony occurs when the audience knows something that the character on stage does not. Provide an example of dramatic irony from the play. When Anne talks about all of the things she wants to do when the war is over, the audience knows that she will not get a chance to do those things.

What happens in the nightmare that wakes Anne? Anne dreams that they are all being arrested by the Green Police. Van Daan say he wants to get rid of Peter’s cat? He thinks it is eating too much of his food.

What happens in the office building that frightens those in hiding? They hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Frank discovers that the footsteps belonged to a thief who was trying to rob them.

Make sure that you can define and use each vocabulary word that we studied during Act I (17 total). Makeshift: (adj) used in place of the normal or proper thing. The couch in the main room served as a makeshift bed for Mr. Wallow: (v) to take selfish pleasure in comfort. Anne wanted towallow in a tub full of warm, soapy water. Sustenance: (n) food and other necessities of life. Miep provided as much sustenance for the families as she could; she was their lifeline.


Jubilation: (n) great joy and excitement. They all tried to show the usual holiday jubilation, despite their terrible situation. Uncertainty: (n) the state of being unsure or not knowing. Even worse than being cut off from the outside world was theiruncertainty about their future in that world. Threadbare: (adj) thin; worn-out; shabby. His clothes are sothreadbare that they could not provide much warmth. Capitulation: (n) a surrender.


Diary Of Anne Frank Pdf

The Dutch’s capitulation to German forces caused great hardships in the Netherlands. Conspicuous: (adj) easily seen; readily visible. The yellow Star of David must be conspicuous on their clothes at all times. Interval: (n) a period of time; a space between. In the intervalbefore Mr. Frank returns, Peter goes over to Margot, shaking hands with her. Unabashed: (adj) without shame or embarrassment.

Unabashed, Anne pulled off her extra layers of underpants in front of everyone. Peculiar: (adj) strange; odd; out of the ordinary.

I’m going to think of this hiding place like a peculiar summer boarding house. Loathe: (v) to feel disgust or hatred for. Mother is unbearable. She insists on treating me like a baby, which I loathe. Absurd: (adj) not making sense; very silly. Frank’s fear might have been absurd in ordinary times, but now it made sense.

Vile: (adj) very bad; extremely unpleasant. Anne had a very low opinion of math; she thought it was vile. Mimic: (v) to make fun of by imitating or copying. Van Daanmimics his wife, showing that he’s heard her tell the story many times before. Bickering: (n) a quarrel or argument, especially about minor details.

The Van Daans’ endless bickering over every little thing begins to get on Mrs. Franks’s nerves. Meticulous: (adj) careful about small details. Dussel ismeticulous about his appearance and his habits.