Paid Mods On Steam

Posted : admin On 12.10.2019

Just a few days after through the Skyrim Workshop, Valve is removing the payment option, citing customer feedback. Valve says it will refund Steam users who purchased a Skyrim mod on Steam.' We've done this because it's clear we didn't understand exactly what we were doing,' Valve. 'We've been shipping many features over the years aimed at allowing community creators to receive a share of the rewards, and in the past, they've been received well. It's obvious now that this case is different.' Valve said its intention in introducing paid mods through Steam was to 'allow mod makers the opportunity to work on their mods full time if they wanted to, and to encourage developers to provide better support to their mod communities.'

'We wanted more great mods becoming great products, like Dota, Counter-strike, DayZ and Killing Floor, and we wanted that to happen organically for any mod maker who wanted to take a shot at it,' Valve said. 'But we underestimated the differences between our previously successful revenue sharing models, and the addition of paid mods to Skyrim's workshop. We understand our own game's communities pretty well, but stepping into an established, years old modding community in Skyrim was probably not the right place to start iterating. We think this made us miss the mark pretty badly, even though we believe there's a useful feature somewhere here.' Valve says it will be 'chewing through' customer feedback on its attempts to bring paid mods to Steam Workshop.Bethesda Softworks also, saying of the removal, ' Even though we had the best intentions, the feedback has been clear — this is not a feature you want. Your support means everything to us, and we hear you.'

“Paid mods”, if you don’t know, refers to Bethesda and Valve’s disastrous attempts to monetise the Skyrim modding community in 2015. They launched a system whereby creators could get paid for their work, there was a great deal of anger from the existing modding community, and the system was promptly shut down.

Valve added the payment option to Skyrim's Steam Workshop last week, letting mod makers charge for their creations and set their own prices. Response to the addition was widely negative, with Steam users submitting negative reviews of Skyrim and the initial batch of paid mods.

  1. Tagged with editorial, feature, mods, paid mods, Steam, DayZ, Grand Theft Auto V, Team Fortress 2, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. If you click our links to online stores and make a.
  2. How can the answer be improved?

After ',' Valve co-founder Gabe Newell attempted to this weekend.' Our goal is to make modding better for the authors and gamers,' Newell said in reply to one Redditor. 'If something doesn't help with that, it will get dumped. Right now I'm more optimistic that this will be a win for authors and gamers, but we are always going to be data driven.'

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Skyrim Paid Mods

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Harassment of others is strictly forbidden. We will not tolerate any kind of incitement to action against anyone, nor will we allow the posting of information that can be used to harm others (celebrities or not).

We will not allow behavior contrary to, e.g. Brigading, witch-hunting, asking for upvotes or downvotes, enabling piracy, flamebaiting, clickbaiting, intentional rudeness, text spamming, using all caps or emojis/smileys/emoticons on titles or overusing them in comments. Don't link to threads in other subreddits. This includes NP links and archived links. Do not attempt to circumvent this rule by any means. Screenshots of Reddit, Facebook, Youtube, and other site's comments should have the usernames blacked out (including yours). We're going to remove the payment feature from the Skyrim workshop.

For anyone who spent money on a mod, we'll be refunding you the complete amount. We talked to the team at Bethesda and they agree.We've done this because it's clear we didn't understand exactly what we were doing. We've been shipping many features over the years aimed at allowing community creators to receive a share of the rewards, and in the past, they've been received well. It's obvious now that this case is different.To help you understand why we thought this was a good idea, our main goals were to allow mod makers the opportunity to work on their mods full time if they wanted to, and to encourage developers to provide better support to their mod communities. We thought this would result in better mods for everyone, both free & paid. We wanted more great mods becoming great products, like Dota, Counter-strike, DayZ, and Killing Floor, and we wanted that to happen organically for any mod maker who wanted to take a shot at it.But we underestimated the differences between our previously successful revenue sharing models, and the addition of paid mods to Skyrim's workshop. We understand our own game's communities pretty well, but stepping into an established, years old modding community in Skyrim was probably not the right place to start iterating.

How To Install Mods On Steam

We think this made us miss the mark pretty badly, even though we believe there's a useful feature somewhere here.Now that you've backed a dump truck of feedback onto our inboxes, we'll be chewing through that, but if you have any further thoughts let us know. Thank you for making this announcement, Erik.Edit: It's glorious to see that the community does have a voice, and that a company the size of valve has decided to give this course of action extra thought. I'd like to express, in the name of the subreddit, that we are available to provide extrensive community feedback for this or any other issue you'd feel would benefit from extensive community feedback.EDIT 2: In case you missed it, Gabe Newell is offering tickets on PCMR for the race weekend at Laguna Seca:. I'd like to hijack the top comment and remind everyone of something that people over on have been pointing out.

Take a look at:remove the payment feature from the Skyrim workshop.andthe addition of paid mods to Skyrim's workshop.andSkyrim was probably not the right place to start iterating.Paid mods aren't going away, not by a longshot. This isn't Valve saying 'no more paid mods,' this is Valve saying 'no more paid Skyrim mods for the moment.' Paid mods for things like Garry's mod are staying, and expect future Bethesda games to have them in spades. Whether you support paid mods or not, there's still lots of work to be done.

No one was upset that modders would be able to make money.Ugh, a bunch of white knights were all butthurt and calling everyone entitled and other shit. I'm a modder btw. I was getting tired of pointing out that it wasn't about the god damn compensation. Valve could've given me a 100% cut and this still would've been a shitty implementation.

Did none of these idiots think about what happens when a mod breaks and the user (rightfully) expects support since he paid? And that's just one issue.Edit: And one of the replies to this very post of mine is one of those stupid weenies.How does that help the user who paid for a (not necessarily mine) mod? Did this shitposter even fucking read what I just posted? See the kind of stupidity floating around here?. Erik, let everyone at Valve know that it isn't the idea of supporting mod creators that we (at least I hope we can all agree on this) dislike, it was the way it was done.I am 100% behind a way to properly support modders if they want it but it has to be done the right way. What way that is, that clearly needs some more work to flesh out but I hope that in the future a good medium, whether it be Patreon, Donations, etc. Be found so that modding can continue to flourish and the people behind it can be properly supported for their work.