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Posted : admin On 27.10.2019
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Best Hearts of Iron 4 Mods 2018: Road to ‘56 Road to ’56 is actually a pack of mods geared towards enhancing and extending the base game’s content. If you like vanilla HOI4 a lot, this will. Apr 18, 2019  Essential Hearts of Iron 4 Mods By Edward Mass 18 Apr 2019 3 Of all the Paradox titles to deploy massive Mods libraries, none might compare with the whopping collection of over 20,000 Hearts of Iron IV Mods. Hearts Of Iron 4 Mods List Download. DOWNLOAD all from here – There are many Hearts Of Iron 4 mods out there but we will cut through all the fluff and get straight to the best ones out there, or the most popular Hearts Of Iron 4 mods available for download from the web.

X Burba Stays QuietAs those who feared interference from the League were proven wrong, so too were those who expected Burba to complain. In fact, the news didn’t seem to affect him at all, as his time and energy were increasingly occupied with Malenkov’s faction and ensuring they were kept in line and under his thumb.Our own scouts have reported back, and have only confirmed the League’s information. Magnitogorsk is a black hole of information, but Dirlewanger is clearly up to something. His forces are massing, and a number of potential rivals to his position have ended up dead. And there’s only one target that would potentially warrant the Black Bandit mustering his forces.Orenburg.Oskar Dirlewanger will come for us. It is only a matter of time. Preparations must be made if we are to weather the storm.(The other option does literally nothing, so there’s no benefit to not picking this one.)But how we are to prepare is, per the usual, deeply controversial.

No one denies action needs to be take. The Black Bandit’s reputation is too great, too feared, for anyone to argue against it. But moderation is still suggested, for fear of Orenburg sacrificing its ideals to survive. The obvious solution is more of the same, funding the militias and improving their training.

This would be the easy path, the one practically guaranteed some form of implementation.But would it be enough? The League has begun to involve itself in discussions on the matter, and they, along with some members of the Reformists, have suggested the idea of a communal army, formed of a levy taken from all the communes and directly under the command of the Workers’ Council. Similar ideas had been floated in the past, and had unanimously been shouted down each time. A professional army would be too much, and risked being turned against the very communes they supposedly protected. Surely any such ideas would be voted down.Then again if the Council was uncooperative, why shouldn’t the communes take things into their own hands?

After a particularly loud and unproductive session of the Council, Aleksander Burba found himself approached by a man from the league, informing him that he was at a meeting. Warily accepting, Burba found himself in a back room, talking with a number of individuals representing the eastern communes, and more importantly their militias.The eastern communes tended to be the most sympathetic to Orenburg’s desires, seeing as they were on the front end of any raids, and they saw the value in a standing army. Enough value, in fact, that they had a plan to create their own. If the council were to shoot down the initial proposal for a communal levy, then they could simply be ignored, and an army created anyway by merging the commands of the militias represented that night. Once they had been trained by representatives from the League, the council would have no choice but to accept the idea.It would all be technically legal, of course. The communes had their right to consensual organization, and everyone involved in building this ‘secret army’ would be doing so of their own free will. Surely the Council would be forced to accept it?

Especially with the backing of the reformists protecting the endeavor Keep the Communal Militias Push for A Levy, and Leave It At That Push for A Levy, and Build The Secret Army. X Push for A Levy, and Build The Secret ArmyBurba sat and listened as the proposal was explained to him. It was risky. But if it worked, Orenburg might be safe. Nodding, he accepted the plan, and the group got to work on implementation. The eastern communes would do their part, the League already had an excuse to be in the area with their ‘examination’ of Orenburg’s militias, and Burba had a number of favors he could call in.And, of course, there was the news filtering in from outside.

Dirlewanger, in a move deeply uncharacteristic for him, has apparently ceased raiding Lysenko’s territory. Why this was the case was a mystery, until someone suggested that it might be the precursor to an alliance. The thought was almost too much to contemplate, but it would fit the facts on the groundWe shall hope we are mistaken.But we shall prepare for if we are not. The League’s training was already beginning to see fruit, even the plans that were being made public.

Even with the communes rejecting some of their more hierarchical ideas, the advice they had on organizing the militias was useful. A more efficient command structure meant that more troops could be commanded with the same amount of people. Now, if only we had a way to ensure that more people joined the militiasThe Council had thought that the threat of Dirlewanger, and now that of Lysenko, would deter the threats of succession. Instead, it just changed how they manifested. Shock rippled through the council as the village representative finished his speech and marched out, a man from the League in tow.


Were the eastern communes so under threat that they were willing to abandon their freedoms in exchange for the League’s protection? Perhaps there might be merit in taking inspiration from the League. A more formal military structure might be of use.Before anyone could propose a plan, however, Aleksander Burba moved to speak.

He declared that the recent succession proved beyond all doubt that radical reform was needed. If a village felt that the League provided better protection than Orenburg, even with their dogmatic structure and obsessive militarism, then did that not prove that Orenburg’s model had failed? Declared Burba, “And I love Orenburg. But, and I say this with great reluctance, the threat to our way of life presented by the Black Bandit demands immediate action.”As Burba sat back in his seat, the Council was too shocked to respond.Malenkov, however, was not. Leaping to his feet, he declared that his faction “Would not abide Burba’s evident counter-revolutionary ambitions” and that his fellow reformist should be immediately ejected from the council. Burba leapt back up in response, countering that Malenkov was one to talk about counter-revolution with his loyalty to the failed Bukharinite system.Things escalated, and escalated, and escalated just a little bit further, until both sides of the reformist faction was denouncing the other as traitor-fascist deviationist counterrevolutionaries. The rest of the Council watched in horror as the reformists stormed out.

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The old aphorism about Orenburgians and opinions had come horrifyingly true, and the only thing to do now would be to watch the fallout of the split.With his position very much the weaker of the two, Malenkov needed a plan if he wanted to win the power struggle. After some thought, he seized upon the ever-popular suspicion the communes had of Orenburg proper. Touring the rural villages, he talked at length as to how Burba planned to subordinate them to the city. He did not want cooperation, Malenkov declared, Burba wanted subjects. Only by working together, by supporting Malenkov, would they be able to become equals with the city.

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Despite the nakedly self-serving motivations for the speech, Malenkov had touched a nerve. Some in the communes were supporting him. But would it be enough?Popularity: Communal Representatives (LibSoc) 58.48%; Burba’s Reformists (AuthDem) 30.00%; Malenkov’s Reformists (AuthSoc) 11.51% Malenkov Charms The Communes! (+5.00% AuthSoc Popularity, Centralizes Orenburg) The Communes Are Not Charmed (+4.00% AuthDem Popularity).

Boy, oh boy do I love me some Hearts of Iron IV. As an avid fan of the Axis & Allies board game back in the day, having a game like this was a godsend — or, perhaps, yet another crippling blow to productivity in endeavors beyond gaming. Poor time management aside, my management skills when it comes to invasion forces and numerous fronts are at their peak, yet my mind’s saber grew dull on the bodies of my mid-20th century foes.Don’t get me wrong. I love a good WWII game as much as the next guy and the vanilla Hearts of Iron IV does its job well.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t dream of military conquest in other eras, right? Sure, I could play more Europa Universalis or Crusader Kings but there’s something about the streamlined focus on combat and military production in HoI4 that piques my interest. After all, I could always play Risk on Steroids and Baby Killing Simulator 2012 (my alternative titles for the aforementioned Paradox games respectively) whenever those moods strike.For now, I need more hearts made from iron.Like all good games (and an increasing number of Paradox’s line-up), Hearts of Iron IV has a bunch of mods conveniently available through. While a complete list of what’s available would be exhausting (they’re now well into the hundreds, almost thousands) and having already covered, I figured I’d turn my focus on the best Hearts of Iron IV conversion mods — or at least the best ones out now that I’ve managed to try out.From the modern era to the Great War and even a zombie apocalypse, these conversion mods shall keep you entertained for countless hours. And if not well World War II still needs to be won. But I promise you shan’t (nor shouldn’t) be disappoint.Created by: Chairman Meow, Chricri3112, Devillris, Grymic, Kaiser1871, Nadamas, Pablaunz, PvtLarry, RickyZhangCA, Skjold, Stuffi3000, Ted52, UnnecessaryEnemy17, WalcanarusFor those who prefer mucking up the relative peace of the 21st century (at least compared to the prior 2000 years), look no further than Millennium Dawn.

With start dates at the beginning of either 2000 or 2016, you may control any of the 100+ countries that exist today, rebalanced for modern warfare (that is, the tech trees are a little less early 1900s and a bit more 2000s). With a new millennium comes plenty of new political ideologies ranging from social liberalism to conservativism and authoritarianism, even to radical Islam (yes, terrorist organizations play their own role in tipping international politics in this virtual world as well). There’s also been a shift in natural resource locations as well as the option to build resource-producing factories for countries that aren’t so economically blessed — a feature I wish was present in vanilla HoI4.Admittedly, the 2000 start date is a bit slow out of the gate.

In fairness, not much warfare between the major powers happened though I’m surprised there hasn’t really been any triggers or events for Operation Iraqi Freedom and the Western invasion of the Middle East. Moreover, during my tenure as that pesky Nigerian prince always asking for money (and later found the communist manifesto to be inspiring enough to rebirth the nation as the People’s Republic of Nigeria), NATO didn’t even step in to save any of my (former) African neighbors as I helped liberate the oppressed working class.Still, there’s plenty of new features in Millennium Dawn and still more to come. And for those who need more to add to the base mod now, there’s about a dozen or so sub-mods available for your perusing. Start 2 Continue is a website and community dedicated to gamers who want to be the best, not just in their virtual lives, but their real ones as well. While we celebrate video gaming culture and discuss games of all kinds, we want to take it one step further.

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Instead of just talking about how much better life is with our favorite games, we want to apply game theory to make life itself more enjoyable.Imagine a life where you no longer dread waking up to go to work doing something you hate or dealing with people who’ve become toxic and detrimental to your happiness over the years. Imagine being able to plan your quest and know the steps that it takes to get you there and having the courage to face any obstacle that stands in your way.Our goal isn’t just to entertain you but to teach you how to be the hero of your own story. Because as far as we know, we only get one life in a millennia-old game on this rock floating in space. Wouldn’t you want to make the best of it?