How To Say Gewehr

Posted : admin On 22.10.2019

What To Say If Someone Breaks Up With You Over Text, As Told By Real Guys. By Candice Jalili. I was there the night one of my best friends got broken up with over text. Mauser 1918 T-Gewehr. The Mauser 13 mm anti-tank rifle ( German: Tankgewehr M1918, usually abbreviated T-Gewehr) is the world's first anti-tank rifle —the first rifle designed for the sole purpose of destroying armored targets—and the only anti-tank rifle to see service in World War I. Approximately 15,800 were produced. RIA: German Gewehr 41 (M) Walther ended up winning the competition (largely because they ignored several of the RFP requirements) and their rifle became the Gewehr 43. Mauser stuck to the requirements with their Gewehr 41 (M), and it cost them the competition. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

  1. How To Say Gewehr
  2. How Do You Pronounce Gewehr 43
  3. How To Say Gewehr 43

The Gewehr 43 (Pronounced Ge-vair due to the W in German being pronounced as a V,) is a German sniper rifle.This weapon is perhaps the most useful in the game, carrying the unofficial title of 'The Hitman's weapon'. With a high rate of fire, the G43 is well-suited for street fighting when a higher up FFP (final firing position) is not available, or undesirable. However, this is not to say that the gun cannot be used for long-range shots as well. Although the gun's bullet velocity forces more compensation than the other two rifles available in the game, the large amount of zoom balances out the amount of bullet drop and wind effect by providing a closer view of the target. This makes it easier to land killshots, specifically center mass holds.


Also, the high rate of fire allows the shooter to adjust for DOPE (data on previous engagement) and correct missed shots without allowing the target to move around and complicate the situation. To be succinct, the Gewehr 43 is an incredibly versatile weapon, capable of taking on any situation the game has to offer. The high rate of fire and large magazine size allow shooters to take on enemies in a Chuck Mawhinney CQB style, and the excellent zoom allows players to engage long range targets without compromising accuracy too much. Since this is the last rifle the player receives in the campaign, it will only be useful for the late game during the first playthrough, but it is doubtless an excellent choice for revisiting missions to collect the gold bars and wine bottles hidden throughout the campaign.Sniper Elite V2 ' This German rifle has the highest rate of fire available. Its semi-automatic action is complimented by having the highest zoom level, though a low muzzle velocity means wind and gravity effects are amplified.' — in-game descriptionIt is the third sniper to be acquired by Karl Fairburne in Sniper Elite V2, in the level.

How do you pronounce gewehr 43

It has a ZF 4 telescopic scope attached to it, and the starting ammunition of it is 7/76, and the maximum capacity is 7/100. The Gewehr is a semi-automatic sniper rifle.

How To Say Gewehr

It has highest rate of fire of any sniper rifle in game. It also has a good zoom level, but low bullet velocity.

8 Ways to Say No to CustomersHave you ever heard “No” as a customer? How did you feel? Were you disappointed?

Sometimes it may happen that we need to say “No” to our customers or deliver negative news. In fact, this is one of the most unpleasant parts of customer service workflow.


Dealing with negative news requires specific skills and self-control. It is not easy to say “No” and continue a smooth conversation.In any, the words you say either ruin your relationship with a customer or build it up. That is why it is important for any company to do this right across all customer service channels. So, how to say “No” without spoiling your customer service experience? Here are 8 tips to begin with. Say “No” without actually saying “No”When you break negative news to clients you want to soften the blow and show them you understand their concerns. In most cases there is no need to say “No” directly.

How Do You Pronounce Gewehr 43

You can wrap your negative news into positive content, making it an ingredient of your “news sandwich”. Here are a couple of great tips which will help you to build your best positive “No”:. Assert your refusal. If you refuse to do or to deliver something your customers request, it does not mean you do not want to do this. This is just something your company does not provide. Explain this carefully to your customers without giving an empty promise. “Unfortunately we are not planning to implement this feature in the foreseeable future, sorry for disappointing news”.

Say “Yes” instead of saying “No”. When you can say “Yes” to something more important for your customer, do this. “Where can I download my chat conversations?” – “For security reasons we do not store chat transcripts on our servers, we send them directly to the email defined for this purpose in your account. Protecting our customers’ data is our main priority”. Deliver positive news, even if you had to say “No”. No matter whether you provide any kind of service or run an online store, there is always something you can offer your customers to maintain your relationship. Even if you had to refuse, try to find something your customers will be interested in.

How To Say Gewehr 43

Just do your best to offer a positive outcome. “I would be glad to offer you some extra customization and recommendations for optimizing your live chat customer service”.Clarify things before you say “No”Sometimes customers speak in a roundabout way and it is not clear from the very beginning what exactly they are requesting. Do not hurry to say “No”, clarify things carefully to avoid misunderstanding. Instead, ask clarifying questions to ensure that you understand everything. Here are some examples of such questions we use in our customer service communication:.

“I am not quite sure I understand what you mean, could you clarify.”. “If I understand you correctly you’d like to”. “To avoid misunderstanding, could you confirm.”Begin with empathyEmpathy statements allow you to establish connection with your customers. Such statements create trust as well as mutual understanding. In most cases when you need to deliver negative news, it may be necessary to begin with empathy to show your customers that you care and will do your best to help them. Old world blues skill checks.